Categorie | Opinion
Opinion English What claims do I have from a Linux distribution - GNU/Linux
What claims do I have from a Linux distribution

The Linux world is growing day by day and more and more teams are offering more and more distributions. I think THIS IS A GOOD THING, because my philosophy of life is "There is room for everyone under the Sun!" . On the other hand, the more options we have, the higher the...

Opinion Romana Calculatoarele din perspectiva programatorului - GNU/Linux
Calculatoarele din perspectiva programatorului

Fara indoiala, este nevoie sa scriu si despre diferenta dintre “sistem de operare” si “distributie”, cu atât mai mult cu cât multa lume confunda distributiile cu “sistem de operare”. ZorinOS, Linux Lite si inca alte vreo câteva...

Opinion Romana Totul despre Linux. Ce pot sa fac in Linux? Ce este o distributie Linux? Linux-ul e chiar atat de sigur? Chiar nu exista virusi pe Linux? - GNU/Linux
Totul despre Linux. Ce pot sa fac in Linux? Ce este o distributie Linux? Linux-ul e chiar atat de si...

Ce este Linux? Intrebarea asta e grea si are cam 3 raspunsuri, cam toate aproximativ corecte. 1. Linux este un sistem de operare.GNU/Linux este un sistem de operare. Sistemul...

Opinion English All about Linux. What can I do in Linux? What is a Linux distribution? Are there really no viruses on Linux? Linux really that secure? - GNU/Linux
All about Linux. What can I do in Linux? What is a Linux distribution? Are there really no viruses o...

What is Linux? This question is difficult and has about 3 answers, almost all correct. 1. Linux is an operating system. GNU / Linux is an operating system. The GNU / Linux...

Opinion Romana 10 motive pentru care eu IUBESC Linux - GNU/Linux
10 motive pentru care eu IUBESC Linux

Fara sa am pretentia ca perspectiva mea este “perfecta” sau “cea mai corecta”, o sa iti propun o perspectiva diferita asupra lumii Linux. - Este gratuit si legal. Între a folosi un software comercial incalcând legile si a folosi unul...

Opinion Romana Partitii MSDOS sau GPT? - GNU/Linux
Partitii MSDOS sau GPT?

Astazi voi spune câteva cuvinte despre partitionare si sistemele majore de partitionare existente pe piata. Voi prezenta exclusiv esentialul subiectului (e vorba despre o sinteza a câtorva mii de pagini de documentatie!) , din perspectiva utilizatorului care are si notiunile minimale de administrare a unui...

Opinion Romana Munca la domiciliu si tehnologia informatiei - GNU/Linux
Munca la domiciliu si tehnologia informatiei

Acum, dupa ce am acumulat doua decenii de “munca la domiciliu” sau, cum mai este cunoscut acest gen de munca pe plan international, FREELANCING, m-am decis sa va prezint, acele informatii care sa te ajute pe tine, care esti o persoana interesata sa isi schimbe stilul de viata din...

Opinion Romana Ce pretentii am de la o distributie Linux - GNU/Linux
Ce pretentii am de la o distributie Linux

Lumea Linux creste pe zi ce trece si din ce in ce mai multe echipe ofera din ce in ce mai multe distributii. Consider ca ACESTA ESTE UN LUCRU BUN, pentru ca filosofia mea de viata este “Este loc pentru toti sub Soare!” . Pe de alta parte, cu cât avem mai multe optiuni, cu...

Opinion Romana Cum facem sa mearga WinFF in Mint 17.3 si Mint 18.0 - GNU/Linux
Cum facem sa mearga WinFF in Mint 17.3 si Mint 18.0

Popularitatea materialelor video si a siturilor de video-sharing (partajare video), de genul YouTube, Meta Cafe, Vimeo, este din ce in ce mai mare. Accesul din ce in ce mai usor la echipamente foto-video la nivelul utilizatorului casnic, a determinat multa lume sa...

Opinion English Four years a day with Linux Mint! - GNU/Linux
Four years a day with Linux Mint!

There are still heated disputes and controversies over "the best operating system"; there are camps, there are fanatics, there are "arguments" as there are "counter-arguments". I publish my opinions here and I repeat, I renounce these extremisms, for the simple reason that...

Opinion Romana Patru ani zi de zi cu Linux Mint! - GNU/Linux
Patru ani zi de zi cu Linux Mint!

Exista inca dispute si polemici foarte aprinse privind “Cel mai bun sistem de operare”; exista tabere, exista fanatici, exista “argumente” asa cum exista si “contra-argumente”. Public aici opiniile mele si repet, ma dezic de aceste extremisme, pentru simplul motiv ca a face...

Opinion Romana Linux Educational si Linux pentru Acasa - GNU/Linux
Linux Educational si Linux pentru Acasa

Astazi, vreau sa impartasesc câteva idei si framântari ale mele, in legatura cu un subiect a carui importanta in România si oriunde in lume, este cruciala: EDUCATIA si mai ales AUTOEDUCATIA. E posibil sa fi omis sa spun ce anume m-a determinat sa aleg Linux, acum...

Opinion Romana Realitatea virtuala sau realitatea augmentata - care este mai buna - GNU/Linux
Realitatea virtuala sau realitatea augmentata - care este mai buna

Realitatea virtuala si realitatea augmentata par sa fie aceleasi, atunci când auziti acesti termeni, cu siguranta par asemanatori, dar nu sunt, de fapt reprezinta o idee total diferita. Aceste doua tehnologii au parcurs un drum lung de-a lungul timpului si...

Opinion English Virtual reality or augmented reality - which is better - GNU/Linux
Virtual reality or augmented reality - which is better

Virtual reality and augmented reality seem to be the same, when you hear these terms, they certainly seem similar, but they are not, in fact, a totally different idea. These two technologies have come a long way over time and are constantly advancing. When we talk about...

Opinion Romana Importanta A.I. in Marketing - GNU/Linux
Importanta A.I. in Marketing

Ultimul deceniu a inregistrat un avans incredibil in tehnicile de marketing utilizate de profesionisti pentru a interactiona cu publicul, precum si cu clientii lor. Acum, cu acces la software mult mai avansat, lucrurile sunt mai usoare. Si, desigur, acesta este motivul pentru care 50% pâna la...

Opinion English Importance of AI in Marketing - GNU/Linux
Importance of AI in Marketing

The last decade has seen an incredible advance in the marketing techniques used by professionals to interact with the public as well as their clients. Now, with access to more advanced software, things are easier. And, of course, this is why 50% to 65% of CEOs today choose more to invest in these...

Opinion English Advantages of Using a Linux File Server - GNU/Linux
Advantages of Using a Linux File Server

Consider yourself pretty fortunate because you’re reading this right now and because there’s a better solution to that: set up a Linux file server. There’s someone right there, working at an office table, typing things out, saving things in, and...

Opinion English Benefits of Linux Internet hosting - GNU/Linux
Benefits of Linux Internet hosting

Initially, lots of individuals who're faced having a selection to select Windows or Linux hosting wish to go along with Windows. Why? Mainly because Windows is a brilliantly branded solution, of your very famous Microsoft Corporation. Their overall brand philosophy is to make complex computer system...

Opinion English Linux distro guide. Best for ... - GNU/Linux
Linux distro guide. Best for ...

Best for Beginners - Ubuntu If you are just starting with Linux Ubuntu is the place to start. The first reason for this is the scalability of the product. As it is suitable for beginners, intermediate and advanced users. It is simple to use yet it the depth in Ubuntu is...

Opinion English Best Linux Distro for Beginners - GNU/Linux
Best Linux Distro for Beginners

What’s best for one is not the best for the other and choosing the best Linux distro is one of these things. There are many ways in which you can call a specific Linux distro as the best of all the Linux distros available and since almost every Linux distro is for free, so...

Opinion English Choices for Linux Server Distros - GNU/Linux
Choices for Linux Server Distros

It is a given that Linux server distros can work wonders for businesses; not only do they work efficiently as file servers but they also cut tons of costs particularly in the licensing fees and in maintenance costs. So, if you’ve already decided that your business will now be using...

Opinion English Is Linux a mass market product? - GNU/Linux
Is Linux a mass market product?

Ok so Windows is still the number 1. 95% of computers shipped from manufacturers have windows on it. Apple Mac is number 2 with a massive marketing budget and a massive fan base for the way that Apple does things. Linux comes somewhere way way underneath that at the moment. In my opinion there are several...

Opinion English 10 ways that Linux is outgrowing the stereotype and becoming the best OS - GNU/Linux
10 ways that Linux is outgrowing the stereotype and becoming the best OS

Linux has a negative image associated with it; a most unfortunate affliction when that image is contrary to the truth. I'm occasionally asked "why do you bother with Linux?" by people who haven't used it recently under the assumption that it's difficult...

Opinion English Can open source companies be successful? - GNU/Linux
Can open source companies be successful?

Many open source vendors will continue to struggle, and some well-known vendors will shut down. This triggered some thinking on my side, as I hadn’t thought about this recently. The question on whether companies can make money with open source has been discussed...

Opinion English Is Open Source more cost effective? Is Alfresco cheaper than Sharepoint, Documentum or OpenText? - GNU/Linux
Is Open Source more cost effective? Is Alfresco cheaper than Sharepoint, Documentum or OpenText?

Jeff Potts analyzed a recent white paper coming from Alfresco, comparing the cost of Open Source versus Proprietary solution. According to Jeff, this is a good read. Here’s his assessment: If you are evaluating ECM...