Categorie | Featured
Featured Romana Canonical aduce Linux pe platforma M1 - GNU/Linux
Canonical aduce Linux pe platforma M1

În urma anuntului Apple privind lansarea unei noi linii de MacBook-uri M1, Canonical aduce Linux rapid pe platforma M1. Multipass , cea mai rapida modalitate de a rula Linux pe mai multe platforme, a primit o actualizare saptamâna trecuta, permitând...

Featured English Canonical brings Linux to the M1 platform - GNU/Linux
Canonical brings Linux to the M1 platform

Following Apple's announcement of the launch of a new line of M1 MacBooks, Canonical is rapidly bringing Linux to the M1 platform. Multipass, the fastest way to run Linux on multiple platforms, received an update last week, allowing M1 users to run Ubuntu virtual...

Featured English CentOS 8.5 release... RHEL 8.5 release happens after 01 Jan 2022 - GNU/Linux
CentOS 8.5 release... RHEL 8.5 release happens after 01 Jan 2022

CentOS release manager Johnny Hughes : This release will be put into at least (where xxxx is the date)....RHEL 8.5 release happens after 01 Jan 2022. New items (to CentOS Stream 8) will be being built and still going into...

Featured Romana La multi ani Jolla! - GNU/Linux
La multi ani Jolla!

In urma cu zece ani, Sami Pienimäki, Marc Dillon, Stefano Mosconi , Jussi Hurmola si Antti Saarnio , au fondat Jolla Ltd la biroul finlandez de brevete si inregistrare si povestea Jolla a inceput oficial. La scurt timp dupa aceasta, o parte din fosta echipa MeeGo s-au alaturat companiei Jolla pentru a lua...

Featured English Happy birthday Jolla! - GNU/Linux
Happy birthday Jolla!

Ten years ago, Sami Pienimäki, Marc Dillon, Stefano Mosconi, Jussi Hurmola and Antti Saarnio founded Jolla Ltd at the Finnish patent and registration office and the Jolla story officially began. Shortly afterwards, part of the former MeeGo team joined Jolla to create Sailfish OS. ...

Featured Romana Senzori Qt in Qt 6.2 - GNU/Linux
Senzori Qt in Qt 6.2

Modulul de Senzori Qt ofera acces la dispozitive cu senzori, precum accelerometru si giroscop. Arhitectura logica separa tipurile de senzori („accelerometru”) de platformele care le furnizeaza („Android”). - Senzorii de pe Windows sunt acceptati atunci când...

Featured English Qt sensors 6.2 in Qt - GNU/Linux
Qt sensors 6.2 in Qt

The Qt Sensor module provides access to sensor devices such as an accelerometer and gyroscope. The logical architecture separates the types of sensors ("accelerometer") from the platforms that provide them ("Android"). - Windows sensors are supported when built with...

Featured Romana Mycroft a selectat Aztech pentru a fi partener de design si producator - GNU/Linux
Mycroft a selectat Aztech pentru a fi partener de design si producator

Mycroft a selectat Aztech pentru a fi partener de design si producator pentru productia Mark II. Aztech, cu sediul in Singapore, este lider mondial in productia de electronice de larg consum. Aztech a fost selectat intr-un...

Featured English The life cycle of Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 has been extended to ten years - GNU/Linux
The life cycle of Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 has been extended to ten years

Canonical announces the extension of the life cycle of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS "Trusty Tahr" and 16.04 LTS "Xenial Xerus" to ten years. This security maintenance extension (ESM) of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and 16.04 LTS allows you to provide security...

Featured Romana Ciclul de viata al Ubuntu 14.04 si 16.04 s-a extins la zece ani - GNU/Linux
Ciclul de viata al Ubuntu 14.04 si 16.04 s-a extins la zece ani

Canonical anunta extinderea ciclului de viata al Ubuntu 14.04 LTS „Trusty Tahr” si al 16.04 LTS „Xenial Xerus” la zece ani. Aceasta extindere de intretinere a securitatii (ESM) a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS si 16.04 LTS permite oferirea de actualizari de...

Featured Romana Facebook migreaza catre MySQL 8.0 - GNU/Linux
Facebook migreaza catre MySQL 8.0

MySQL , este o baza de date open source dezvoltata de Oracle. Fiecare noua versiune majora a MySQL necesita timp si efort semnificativ pentru a migra sarcinile de lucru. Ultima versiune...

Featured English Facebook is migrating to MySQL 8.0 - GNU/Linux
Facebook is migrating to MySQL 8.0

MySQL is an open source database developed by Oracle. Each new major version of MySQL requires significant time and effort to migrate workloads. The latest major version used by Facebook is MySQL 5.6 . Migration challenges include: - Porting...

Featured Romana Samsung Electronics a anuntat adoptarea OpenChain ISO - primul standard international de conformitate open source - GNU/Linux
Samsung Electronics a anuntat adoptarea OpenChain ISO - primul standard international de conformitat...

Compania se alatura unei comunitati in crestere de companii din domeniul electronicii de larg consum, auto, cloud computing si telecomunicatii in utilizarea acestui standard pentru gestionarea lanturilor de...

Featured English Samsung Electronics has announced the adoption of OpenChain ISO - the first international open source compliance standard - GNU/Linux
Samsung Electronics has announced the adoption of OpenChain ISO - the first international open sourc...

The company joins a growing community of companies in the field of consumer electronics, automotive, cloud computing and telecommunications in the use of this standard for supply chain management. ...

Featured Romana RISC-V 2021 China Summit - 21 iunie, Universitatea ShanghaiTech - GNU/Linux
RISC-V 2021 China Summit - 21 iunie, Universitatea ShanghaiTech

Prima conferinta mondiala RISC-V China (RISC-V World Conference China) va fi deschisa pe 21 iunie la Universitatea ShanghaiTech. Summitul va avea peste 1.000 de participanti offline si peste 10.000 de participanti online si peste 100 de producatori vor sustine discursuri sau...

Featured English RISC-V 2021 China Summit - June 21, ShanghaiTech University - GNU/Linux
RISC-V 2021 China Summit - June 21, ShanghaiTech University

The first RISC-V World Conference China will open on June 21 at ShanghaiTech University. The summit will have over 1,000 offline participants and over 10,000 online participants and over 100 producers will give speeches or exhibitors. During the...

Featured Romana Noul tapet pentru KDE Plasma 5.22 este aici - GNU/Linux
Noul tapet pentru KDE Plasma 5.22 este aici

Noul fundal se numeste „ Altai”si urmeaza tendinta KDE pentru imagini poligonale. Tapetul este bogat in albastru, cu nuante galbene reprezentand raze solare la marginea unui lac, ce reprezinta sistemul montan „Altai” din Asia, care se afla...

Featured English The new wallpaper for KDE Plasma 5.22 is here - GNU/Linux
The new wallpaper for KDE Plasma 5.22 is here

The new background is called "Altai" and follows the KDE trend for polygonal images. The wallpaper is rich in blue, with yellow shades representing sunlight at the edge of a lake, which represents the mountain system "Altai" in Asia, which is...

Featured Romana Lubuntu va muta toate canalele pe LiberaChat - GNU/Linux
Lubuntu va muta toate canalele pe LiberaChat

In urma rezolutiei Consiliului IRC Ubuntu , Lubuntu va muta toate canalele Lubuntu IRC pe LiberaChat. Unele canale s-au mutat deja in momentul acestui anunt, iar celelalte vor urma in scurt timp. Trecerea la LiberaChat se face datorita introducerii publicitatii pe site-ul freenode fara...

Featured English Lubuntu will move all channels to LiberaChat - GNU/Linux
Lubuntu will move all channels to LiberaChat

Following the resolution of the Ubuntu IRC Council, Lubuntu will move all Lubuntu IRC channels to LiberaChat. Some channels have already moved at the time of this announcement, and others will follow shortly. The transition to LiberaChat is made due to the introduction of advertising...

Featured Romana Creative Commons solicita UE renuntarea la protectia IP pentru vaccinurile COVID - GNU/Linux
Creative Commons solicita UE renuntarea la protectia IP pentru vaccinurile COVID

Katherine Tait, Ambasadorului SUA al administratiei Biden-Harris sustine renuntarea la protectia IP pentru vaccinurile COVID. Catherine Stihler de la Creative Commons a luat...

Featured English Creative Commons calls on EU to give up IP protection for COVID vaccines - GNU/Linux
Creative Commons calls on EU to give up IP protection for COVID vaccines

Katherine Tait, US Ambassador to the Biden-Harris Administration, supports the waiver of IP protection for COVID vaccines. Catherine Stihler of Creative Commons has taken a stand on this topic: As we all know, there is a...

Featured English ALGOSEC, One Laptop per Child and the Zamora Teran Foundation offer students in Honduras innovative pedagogical practices - GNU/Linux
ALGOSEC, One Laptop per Child and the Zamora Teran Foundation offer students in Honduras innovative ...

Thanks to the joint efforts of ALGOSEC, One Laptop per Child and the Zamora Terán Foundation, 21 students from the Virgen de Suyapa School in Honduras will transform the way they learn through innovative pedagogical...

Featured Romana ALGOSEC, One Laptop per Child si Fundatia Zamora Teran ofera elevilor din Honduras practici pedagogice inovatoare - GNU/Linux
ALGOSEC, One Laptop per Child si Fundatia Zamora Teran ofera elevilor din Honduras practici pedagogi...

Datorita eforturilor unite ale ALGOSEC, One Laptop per Child si Fundatia Zamora Terán, 21 de elevi de la Scoala Virgen de Suyapa, din Honduras, isi vor transforma modul in care invata prin practici pedagogice...

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