Data | 2020-06-16
Featured Romana Ampere doneaza hardware pentru Debian pentru a fortifica ecosistemul Arm - GNU/Linux
Ampere doneaza hardware pentru Debian pentru a fortifica ecosistemul Arm

Ampere s- a asociat cu Debian pentru a sprijini infrastructura hardware prin donarea a trei dintre serverele Arm64 de inalta performanta Ampere. Aceste servere Lenovo ThinkSystem HR330A contin procesorul eMAG al lui Ampere cu un procesor Arm®v8 pe 64 de...

Featured English Ampere donates hardware to Debian to strengthen the Arm ecosystem - GNU/Linux
Ampere donates hardware to Debian to strengthen the Arm ecosystem

Ampere has partnered with Debian to support the hardware infrastructure by donating three of Ampere's high-performance Arm64 servers. These Lenovo ThinkSystem HR330A servers contain Ampere's eMAG processor with a 64-bit Arm®v8 processor specifically...

Distro Romana Zephyr 2.3.0 foloseste device-tree si Trusted Execution Environment - GNU/Linux
Zephyr 2.3.0 foloseste device-tree si Trusted Execution Environment

În ultimele 3 luni, dupa cum spune echipa au lucrat foarte mult la versiunea - Zephyr 2.3.0. Peste 200 de contributoriau adaugat peste 3200 de angajamente la codebase. Un punct de referinta pentru proiect este adaugarea integrarii cu cadrul de...

Distro English Zephyr 2.3.0 uses device-tree and Trusted Execution Environment - GNU/Linux
Zephyr 2.3.0 uses device-tree and Trusted Execution Environment

In the last 3 months, according to the team, they have worked a lot on the version - Zephyr 2.3.0. Over 200 contributors added over 3,200 commitments to codebase. A benchmark for the project is the addition of integration with the Trusted Firmware M Trusted...

Distro Romana BunsenLabs Lithium 32 bit Release Candidate - GNU/Linux
BunsenLabs Lithium 32 bit Release Candidate

BunsenLabs Lithium 32 bit Release Candidate este inca peste limita de dimensiune a unui CD cu 20 MB. Permite instalarea bl-welcome a unui kernel PAE, daca este disponibil, si bunsen-meta-all daca doriti un desktop BL complet. Nu exista niciun instalator GUI inclus in aceasta...

Distro Romana CentOS Linux 8.2 bazat pe Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 - GNU/Linux
CentOS Linux 8.2 bazat pe Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2

CentOS Linux 8.2 (derivat din codul sursa al Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2) aduce cu functii noi, imbunatatiri si actualizari software, de la Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 in toate arhitecturile acceptate. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.2 a adus securitate sporita...

Distro English BunsenLabs Lithium 32 bit Release Candidate - GNU/Linux
BunsenLabs Lithium 32 bit Release Candidate

BunsenLabs Lithium 32 bit Release Candidate is still over the size limit of a 20 MB CD. Allows the bl-welcome installation of a PAE kernel, if available, and bunsen-meta-all if you want a full BL desktop. There is no GUI installer included in this image, but the text mode...

Distro English CentOS Linux 8.2 based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 - GNU/Linux
CentOS Linux 8.2 based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2

CentOS Linux 8.2 (derived from the source code of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2) brings with it new features, enhancements and software updates, from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 in all supported architectures. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.2 brought enhanced...