Data | 2020-11-02
Distro Romana Voyager 20.10, se bazeaza pe Ubuntu 20.10  - GNU/Linux
Voyager 20.10, se bazeaza pe Ubuntu 20.10

Noua versiune, Voyager 20.10, se bazeaza pe Ubuntu 20.10 si ofera noua luni de actualizari si remedieri de securitate. Voyager GE 20.10 aduce versiunea de desktop GNOME Shell 3.38 prin introducerea de noi functii. Aceasta versiune se bazeaza pe nucleul Linux 5.8 si pe...

Distro English Voyager 20.10, is based on Ubuntu 20.10 - GNU/Linux
Voyager 20.10, is based on Ubuntu 20.10

The new version, Voyager 20.10, is based on Ubuntu 20.10 and offers nine months of updates and security fixes. Voyager GE 20.10 brings the GNOME Shell 3.38 desktop version by introducing new features. This version is based on the Linux 5.8 kernel and the Ubuntu "Groovy...