Data | 2021-02-14
Distro Romana LibreELEC 10 vine in curand - GNU/Linux
LibreELEC 10 vine in curand

Lansarea Kodi 19 se va face in curand si odata cu aceasta vin schimbari mari care afecteaza toti furnizorii de hardware. Prima dintre modificarile importante, este trecerea la Python3 (limbajul de programare utilizat de suplimentele Kodi) care este incompatibil cu Python2 care a fost folosit...

Distro English LibreELEC 10 is coming soon - GNU/Linux
LibreELEC 10 is coming soon

The launch of Kodi 19 will take place soon and with it come big changes that affect all hardware vendors. The first important change is the switch to Python3 (the programming language used by Kodi plugins) which is incompatible with Python2 which was used previously. The second big...

Featured Romana #ilovefs - Ziua Software-ului Liber - 14 februarie - GNU/Linux
#ilovefs - Ziua Software-ului Liber - 14 februarie

„I love Free Software Day” - 14 februarie (cunoscuta si ca Ziua Îndragostitilor) este ocazia perfecta pentru a va exprima o recunostinta speciala. Anual „I love Free Software Day” va permite sa faceti din 14 februarie o zi de recunostinta...

Featured English #ilovefs - I love Free Software Day -  February 14 - GNU/Linux
#ilovefs - I love Free Software Day - February 14

"I love Free Software Day" - February 14 (also known as Valentine's Day) is the perfect occasion to express your special gratitude. Every year, "I love Free Software Day" allows you to make February 14 a day of gratitude for the entire community that celebrates and...