Data | 2021-07-20
Distro Romana Amanare a lansarii OM Lx 4.3 pe termen nedefinit - GNU/Linux
Amanare a lansarii OM Lx 4.3 pe termen nedefinit

Lansarea finala a OM Lx 4.3 a fost amânata pe termen nedefinit. Echipa Mandriva: În testarea noastra interna, lucratorii nostri, toti voluntarii, dezvoltatorii au descoperit unele probleme in bibliotecile noastre de...

Distro English Postponement of the launch of OM Lx 4.3 indefinitely - GNU/Linux
Postponement of the launch of OM Lx 4.3 indefinitely

The final launch of OM Lx 4.3 has been postponed indefinitely. Mandriva Team: In our internal testing, our workers, all volunteers, developers have discovered some problems in our core libraries. The decision was to delay and resolve these...

Tutorial English matlab djpegxx bug — problem calling ghostscript: system error - GNU/Linux
matlab djpegxx bug — problem calling ghostscript: system error

Recently, I wrote Matlab code that does some processing, plots the results and saves the plots as compressed JPEGs. When I run it on a cluster as part of a batch job I got the following error: "Problem calling GhostScript. System returned error". ...