
Open COVID Pledge - Open COVID License 1.0

O coalitie internationala de oameni de stiinta si avocati solicita organizatiilor sa isi puna la dispozitie proprietatea intelectuala gratuit pentru lupta impotriva COVID-19.

Datorita numarului de persoane afectate de COVID-19 care a crescut la peste 1 milion, si mii de decedati de COVID-19 in fiecare zi, si cu o situatie care se va agrava in urmatoarele luni, o coalitie internationala de experti legali, ingineri si oameni de stiinta solicita companiilor, universitatilor si al altor organizatii pentru ca proprietatea lor intelectuala (IP) sa fie disponibila temporar gratuit pentru a fi folosita pentru a pune capat pandemiei COVID-19 si a minimiza impactul bolii.

Primul pas pentru organizatiile care doresc sa faca angajamentul este ca acestea sa se angajeze public sa puna la dispozitia libera proprietatea intelectuala pentru COVID-19, publicând, de exemplu, o declaratie publica in acest sens pe site-ul lor web.

Urmatorul pas pentru organizatiile care au facut angajamentul este sa il implementeze printr-o licenta care detaliaza termenii si conditiile in care proprietatea lor intelectuala este pusa la dispozitie. Licenta COVID deschisa este pentru organizatiile care doresc sa implementeze promisiunea imediat. Unele organizatii pot fi nevoite sa modifice aceasta licenta pentru a se conforma regulilor si reglementarilor in baza carora opereaza sau pot alege sa adopte propria lor licenta pentru indeplinirea acelorasi obiective.

„Drepturile de proprietate intelectuala sunt menite sa incurajeze creativitatea si inventia in beneficiul final al omenirii. Multi proprietari de proprietate intelectuala recunosc ca , in acest moment , omenirea are nevoie de toate resursele intelectuale ce putem mobiliza chiar acum: de la resurse educationale - pentru invatarea on - line, la modele pentru echipament de protectie, pentru produse farmaceutice brevetate“ - Molly Shaffer Van Houweling; Chair, CC Board of Directors

Open COVID License 1.0
March 31, 2020

Having made the Open COVID Pledge, we (the “Pledgor”), in order to speed the development and dissemination of the technologies needed to end the COVID-19 Pandemic and mitigate the effects of the disease, grant the license described below.

Our intent in doing so is to advance the shared cause of ending the COVID-19 Pandemic, and we do so without any expectation of consideration or compensation, and with knowledge of the rights we are licensing.


The Pledgor grants to every person and entity that wishes to accept it, a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, fully paid-up license (without the right to sublicense) to make, have made, use, sell, import, reproduce, adapt, translate, distribute, perform, display, modify, create derivative works of and otherwise exploit all patent, copyright and other intellectual and industrial property rights (other than trademarks and trade secrets) in products, services, compositions of matter, machines, articles of manufacture, processes, and works of authorship that we have the right to license under these terms (the “Licensed IP”), for the sole purpose of ending the “COVID-19 Pandemic” (as defined by the World Health Organization, “WHO”) and minimizing the impact of the disease, including without limitation the diagnosis, prevention, containment, and treatment of the COVID-19 Pandemic.


This license is effective as of December 1, 2019 and lasts until one year after WHO declares the COVID-19 Pandemic to have ended.


The Pledgor will not assert any regulatory exclusivity against any entity for use of the Licensed IP in accordance with the license granted in Section 1, and we will not seek injunctive or regulatory relief to prevent any entity from doing so.


The license and non-assertion covenant granted above shall automatically be suspended, and the Pledgor shall be free to assert the Licensed IP against the licensee, if the licensee or any entity affiliated with the licensee threatens or initiates a suit or legal proceeding alleging the infringement of any patent or other intellectual property right against the Pledgor or any entity affiliated with the Pledgor with respect to any activity relating to the COVID-19 Pandemic.


The license granted herein is “AS IS” without any warranties, express or implied.

All copyright and related rights in the Open COVID License are waived via CC0.



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