DARKSTAR Linux 2008.1 este un sistem de operare linux orientat pe desktop (KDE si Xfce), usor de instalat, configurat si utilizat, care vizeaza incepatorii din Linux. Are o multime de instrumente GUI usor de utilizat, o multime de aplicatii de birou, multimedia si jocuri. Sistemul de operare este proiectat sa functioneze din cutie. DARKSTAR Linux 2008.1 este publicat in format DVD ISO. Puteti rula DVD-ul ca un Live-System, nu este nevoie sa il instalati sau sa il instalati pe hard disk.
Necesitatile hardware sunt, in cazul versiunii de baza, cu numele de cod Gabrielle:
In cazul versiunii cu numele de cod Jurassic, necesitatile hardware sunt:
Modalitatea de instalare e foarte simpla. CD-ul scris este bootabil, deci, daca optiunea de bootare de pe CD este activata in PC-ul dvs., veti putea boota de pe acesta... Dupa bootare, veti fi intimpinat de installer-ul grafic al DARKSTAR Linux, ce cunoaste si limba romana, si urmariti cu atentie dialogurile si intrebarile pe care acesta vi le pune... Acest SETUP este special conceput pentru a permite o usoara instalare chiar si pentru un incepator in utilizarea Linux, intr-un mediu prietenos, astfel incit, pe parcursul instalarii, va trebui sa raspundeti doar la citeva intrebari simple.
Componentele DARKSTAR Linux 2008.1 sunt:
First of all, the graphical configuration tools that our team designed, Advanced Linux Installation and Configuration Environment (ALICE), as high quality tools for your use.
Yet another Linux Installer (YaLI), the graphical installer that makes DARKSTAR Linux installable in just a few quick steps.
Disk Manager, the graphical partitioner
X.org Setup, the graphical tool for x.org configuration.
Network Configurator, the graphical network configuration, can be used to setup PPPoE also.
Package Manager, the graphical package manager.
Time Configurator, the graphical tool for timezone configuration.
Services Configurator, the graphical startup services configurator.Some of the applications that you can find in DARKSTAR Linux are:
OpenOffice.org 2.3.0
Mozilla Firefox-
Mozilla Thunderbird-
DARKSTAR Linux roadmap
Date | Target | Target details |
2008-01-15 | DARKSTAR Linux 2008.1 | Our's 2008.1 version distribution release as DVD-ISO format. As mainly and structured version has goal to prove project's developed technologies. |
2008-02-15 | DARKSTAR Linux 2008.1 LE (Light Edition) | Light version of 2008.1 release as CD-ISO format. It is completly compatible with base version but contains a applications packages selection. The other applications are available in our package repository. |
2008-03-15 | DARKSTAR Linux 2008.1 SE (Second Edition) | Second edition of 2008.1 version's release as DVD-ISO format which has the goal to fix bugs that are discovered in the base version. |
2008-04-15 | DARKSTAR Linux 2008.2 DP (Developers Preview) |
2008.1 version's release for developers and distribution's collaborators having the goal to prove project's developed technologies. The mainly objective of this version is to pass to DPM (DARKSTAR Package Manager) packages and adjacent applications. NOTE: Starting with this version, the compatibility with Slackware applications and its packages configuration tools will be ensured. |
2008-05-15 | DARKSTAR Linux 2008.2 | 2008.2 version's release as DVD-ISO format |
2008-06-15 | DARKSTAR Linux 2008.2 LE (Light Edition) | 2008.2 light version release as CD-ISO format. This version is completly compatibile with base version. |
2008-07-15 | DARKSTAR Linux 2008.2 SE (Second Edition) | Second edition of 2008.2 version's release as DVD-ISO format which has the goal to fix bugs that are discovered in the base version. |