Bluewhite Linux este (a fost) o distributie Linux româneasca, un port neoficial a distributiei Slackware pe arhitectura AMD64 si Intel EM64T. Bluewhite Linux este un sistem de operare complex pe 64 de biti si include ultimele tehnologii Open Source. Ruleaza impecabil pe toata gama de servere si statii de lucru ce sunt echipate cu procesoare AMD64 si Intel EM64T (Extended Memory 64-bit Technology) cu unul sau mai multe nuclee.
Înca de la prima versiune, Bluewhite mentine simplitatea, stabilitatea si siguranta in operare. Nu incearca sa rivalizeze cu Windows, incearca doar sa fie cel mai bun Linux posibil. Bluewhite nu isi propune sa acopere programele cu interfete grafice fanteziste, in schimb, pune utilizatorii in control total asupra sistemului lasandu-i sa interactioneze cu acesta pana la cel mai mic detaliu. Dezvoltarea distributiei nu este grabita pentru a satisface termenele limita, fiecare versiune este lansata când este gata pregatita. Bluewhite este distributia ideala pentru cei carora le place sa invete si sa isi configureze singuri propriul sistem, lasandu-i sa faca exact ceea ce doresc. Stabilitatea si simplitatea sunt motivele pentru care mutti folosesc aceasta distributie si tot din aceste motive o vor folosi multi ani de acum incolo.
Bluewhite Linux are reputatia de a fi solid, stabil si sigur, atât ca statie de lucru, dar mai ales ca server. Odata instalate si configurate, serverele pot sustine afaceri, putând juca orice rol dorit, cu costuri scazute. Servere de web, FTP, e-mail, DNS, back-up si multe altele, sunt functionale la cheie, precum si o gama variata de medii desktop (interfete grafice - window manager). Nucleul (kernel) Linux pe care se bazeaza distributia Bluewhite, functioneaza ireprosabil pe toata gama de servere, de la low-end si pâna la high-end, cu suport multiprocesor (pana la 255 de procesoare) si optimizari speciale pentru fiecare clasa de procesor AMD64 si Intel EM64T. Sunt incluse si o varietate de unelte pentru programare, editoare de text si biblioteci curente pentru cei ce doresc sa-si compileze propriile programe.
Ultima versiune a distributiei este 13.0, din 09.09.2009. - Wikipedia, enciclopedia libera
About Bluewhite Llinux (Probably The Best Pure 64-bit Linux)
The standard version of Bluewhite Linux is a complex, reliable, scalable open source pure 64-bit Linux distribution that runs on single and multicore AMD64 Sempron, Athlon, Opteron, Turion, Phenom I/II, and Intel EM64T servers and workstations.
This project was started in May 2006 and was built from Slackware -current sources using the existing 64-bit multilib toolchain from the Slamd64 Linux (thanks Fred!) to create a new 64-bit non-multilib toolchain in order to build the rest of the programs.
Apart from the standard edition there are live versions, namely LiveDVD and miniLive. These versions have their base root in the standard edition and offer extra packages created by the Bluewhite Linux community . The purpose of these live versions is to serve as a preview to those who wish to try the standard edition but don't want to install it yet, as well as providing some new features.
Bluewhite Linux LiveDVD and miniLive are targeted toward beginners. A new distribution tends to make people skeptical, so I wanted to give them a chance to test Bluewhite Linux without installing it by using a bootable media. They include Bluewhite Linux standard edition plus some extra packages.
The miniLive version was born because some users wanted a smaller Live edition and to satisfy my own curiosity. I wanted to see how much I could strip down a 64-bit operating system while providing a minimum of software packages. 64-bit packages are somewhat larger than the 32-bit versions of the same software.
I'd like to Thanks to Patrick J. Volkerding, Robby Workman, Eric Hameleers, Piter Punk for their work on the Slackware Linux. Also, thanks to all others who send reports, patches, suggestions, fixes to the Slackware team. Thank You All!