This is a 4MLinux release point, which comes with the Linux 5.4.70 kernel. The 4MLinux server now includes Apache 2.4.46, MariaDB 10.5.6 and PHP 7. 4.11.
You can update 4MLinux by running the " zk update " command in the terminal (fully automatic process).
The minimum requirements for 4MLinux (64 bits) are:
- 128 MB of RAM when 4MLinux is installed on an HDD,
- 1200 MB of RAM when 4MLinux is run as a live CD / USB.
The minimum requirements for 4MServer (64 bits) are:
- 256 MB of RAM when 4MServer is installed on a HDD,
- 2400 MB of RAM when 4MServer is run as a live CD / USB.