
ZFS Manager Cockpit - ZFS administration on Linux

Cockpit ZFS Manager is an interactive ZFS management package on Linux for Cockpit.

Careful! Cockpit ZFS Manager is currently in the pre-launch phase.

Software requirements:

- Cockpit 201+

- NFS (optional)

- Samba: 4+ (optional)

- ZFS: 0.8+


Copy to Cockpit

$ git clone
$ sudo cp -r cockpit-zfs-manager / zfs / usr / share / cockpit


It is recommended to add the following properties to the Samba configuration file to allow access to previous versions in Windows Explorer:

$ sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
shadow: snapdir = .zfs / snapshot
shadow: sort = desc
shadow: format =% Y.% m.% d-% H.% M.% S
shadow: localtime = yes	
vfs objects = acl_xattr shadow_copy2

ZFS always creates / var / lib / samba / usersharesshares in the folder when ShareSMB is enabled. To avoid duplicate sharing of the same file system, it is recommended that you configure a different path to the share-user folder if necessary or disable user shares in the Samba configuration file.


If you use SELinux, it is recommended to enable Boolean states for Samba:

$ sudo setsebool -P samba_export_all_en = 1 samba_export_all_rw = 1


If enabled, Cockpit ZFS Manager manages file-only sharing. The global Samba configuration will need to be configured externally.



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