Sparky 2021.09 is based on Debian Testing "Bookworm". Changes to the current versions:
- repositories set to Debian "Bookworm" and Sparky "Orion Belt"
- all packages updated starting with September 17, 2021
- new backgrounds: desktop, connection manager, home screen and boot, etc.
- Linux kernel 5.10.46 (5.14 .6 and 5.15-rc1 in unstable Sparky repositories)
- GCC 10 is still the default, but GCC 11 is also installed
- no more advanced Sparky GUI installed; the advanced installation program works only in text mode; the first window allows you to choose the standard version of the installer or the DEV version with disk encryption and LVM support;
- The "sparky-upgrade" text-based tool is also pre-installed in the iso CLI
- packages removed from iso: mc, gparted
- newly installed package: lfm
- Calamares 3.2.43
No system reinstallation is required if you have installed Sparky using the iso 2019.x, 2020.x, 2021.x or 6.0 image.