
BunsenLabs Helium - OpenBox desktop environment based on stable Debian

In BunsenLabs Helium, the visuals have been tweaked with new GTK themes (including hdpi). New wallpapers based on "Beam" by Rashad Mohammed, and the Paper icon set replaced the Faenza icon set. Changes and updates:

- We fear conky and Geany implicitly.

- Several collections of preset graphic themes accessible through the BLOB accessory.

- The menu has been processed and improved in some places.

- Many small improvements have been made under the hood:

- Calls to gksu, which is unsafe, are replaced with pkexec.

- The default package list has been adjusted and some useful system tools have been added.

- The former CrunchBang audio mixer, pnmixer, has returned (replacing volts).

- The previously required Pulseaudio configuration settings have been removed.

- Added support for QT5 GTK2 theme.

- The start menu now has a "boot in cli" option and a "Rescue" option.

- Almost all executable programs (scripts, etc.) of BunsenLabs now have simple pages.

- The Compton configuration has been improved and reorganized.

- A file /etc/bunsen/bunsen_installcontains information about the system installation method, version and date to help diagnose.

- Numerous other small changes.

- The new "Helium" version also includes changes made for the upstream release of Debian 9 ("stretch").



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