Garuda Linux is an Arch-based Linux desktop distribution with graphical installation and system management tools, available in several popular desktop versions.
Garuda Welcome app
- added a switch for easy switch to HiDPI mode, added a switch to switch GDM to Wayland,
- a switch has been added to allow system-level ads to be blocked by AdGuard DNS,
-a switch has been added to activate and deactivate the guest account;
Garuda Network Assistant
- WiFi restart button added, Bluetooth restart button added, detect if NetworkManager or Connman is running if they are installed and not running;
- switched to the Powerlevel10k theme (including the corrected font) ....
It also includes some software updates, including some major version updates for Linux-zen 5.8.5, Mesa 20.1.6, NVIDIA 450.66, Firefox 80, LibreOffice 7.0.0.