Pulseaudio which is now very stable and works very well, including with bluez5 (which for the first time was included in this new version). The most important technical aspects of this version:
Linux Kernel 4.19.46 (sorry, folks, there is no long-term relaunch of the 5.x branch yet).
New toolbox that includes: glibc 2.28, gcc 8.3.0 and binutils 2.32.
130 kg.
Latest browsers, including: Google Chrome: 75.0.3770.90 and Mozilla Firefox 67.0.2. Bravo 0.68.50 is available in the mirror.
The Kwort-choosers package has been replaced with kwort-tools, including the old browser and custom xdg-open and the new kwort-mixer to support both sound backends (alsa and pulseaudio). There is documentation on how to configure these tools here .
The new user interface shortcuts are now fully documented here .
I found a good graphic music player called Museeks, which is now included in the system.