These are the release notes for Rocky Linux 8.5, available for x86_64 and aarch64 (ARM) architectures. After installing Rocky Linux 8.5, please log in and run these commands to validate our secure boot shim:
$ sudo dnf install -y keyutils $ sudo keyctl show %:.platform $ sudo mokutil --sb
These commands should produce output similar to the following:
[user@localhost ~]# sudo keyctl show %:.platform Keyring 600127374 ---lswrv 0 0 keyring: .platform 659510804 ---lswrv 0 0 \\_ asymmetric: Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011: a92902398e16c49778cd90f99e4f9ae17c55af53 716742579 ---lswrv 0 0 \\_ asymmetric: Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation: Rocky Linux Secure Boot Root CA: 4c2c6bd7d64ee81581cab8e986661f65e2166fc4 346375346 ---lswrv 0 0 \\_ asymmetric: Microsoft Corporation UEFI CA 2011: 13adbf4309bd82709c8cd54f316ed522988a1bd4 [user@localhost ~]# sudo mokutil --sb SecureBoot enabled
New Modules
Ruby 3.0
nginx 1.20
Node.js 16
Updated Components
PHP to version 7.4.19
Squid to version 4.15
Mutt to version 2.0.7
Compilers and Development tools
GCC Toolset 11
LLVM Toolset 12.0.1
Rust Toolset 1.54.0
Go Toolset 1.16.7
OpenJDK updates
Open Java Development Kit 17 (OpenJDK 17) is now available. For more information about the features introduced in this release and changes in the existing functionality, see OpenJDK features.
OpenJDK 11 has been updated to version 11.0.13. For more information about the features introduced in this release and changes in the existing functionality, see Release notes for OpenJDK 11.0.13.
OpenJDK 8 has been updated to version 8.0.312. For more information about the features introduced in this release and changes in the existing functionality, see Release notes for OpenJDK 8.0.312.
Fastest Mirrors
During network installation, the list of mirrors hosting BaseOS content from the MirrorList will be used by the FastestMirror DNF plugin, sorted heuristically by the time it takes to open a connection to the mirrors on their given protocol's port (Source code).
This change means that a Repository URL is no longer required when using Boot-only media and performing Network-based installations of Rocky (and other Enterprise) Linux!
Packages Added
In the plus repository, thunderbird with PGP support was added
In the plus repository, openldap-servers was added
In the rockypi repository, rasperrypi2 kernel was added for raspberry specific aarch64 support