Freespire 8.0.1, delivers security fixes and adds some functionality that some users have requested. This update ships with most of the requested Google services.
LibreOffice as the default office suite it’s still a full featured desktop OS and an excellent platform to deploy any and all of your cloud applications.
Zswap is also enabled to help with performance with Chromebooks and other hardware systems that have less that 4 gb of physical memory. Dark mode is now enabled by default.
Freespire does not incorporate any proprietary media codecs; aside from the use of Google Chrome there are no other vendor-specific software applications pre-installed at all.
Freespire 8.0.1 features a new stable kernel which fixes bugs / broadens hardware support. Google Chrome version 97 includes security patches and other general browser improvements.
XFCE Desktop 4.16 - A very lightweight and easy to use Linux desktop environment
Kernel 5.4.0-94 LTS - A long term supported kernel that has been enhanced for functionality and security
Synaptic - Linux package manager and alternative to the Software application. We also put Synaptic back in the whisker menu per user request.
Google Chrome 97 - A web browser from Google uniquely engineered for privacy, security and performance.
Ice SSB - An application that takes any web property and makes it a desktop application
Kpatience - Suite of solitaire games
Dreamchess - A fun and entertaining game for the chess enthusiasts out there
Gmail - E-mail client from Google
Google Drive - Access your online Google drive with this application. You can download and upload files and more. Google Drive integration is not present in Thunar
Google Calendar - Online calendar application.
Google Translate - A utility to translate text to any language you wish
Google News - Online world wide news
Video Player - Video and multimedia player
Rhythmbox - Music player
LibreOffice - Dedicated office suite for word processing, spreadsheet, presentations and vector drawing