
MX-Linux Raspberry Pi respin - Ragout2

MXRPi_220307 “Ragout2”, respin with MX Dev support that unites Raspberry Pi with MX-Linux and offers two lightweight window managers: Fluxbox and Openbox. Features:

32 bit Debian 10 (Buster)
Full compatibility with Raspberry Pi
Major applications

Browser: Chromium
Terminals: xfce4-terminal, xterm
Text editor: Featherpad
Media player: VLC
Music player: DeaDBeeF
File manager: Thunar
IDEs: Geany, Thonny

Convenient configuration dashboards
20pp documentation available in 14 languages
Set of adaptions for use on Raspberry Pi’s Official Display: virtual keyboards, modified dock and panel for easy raising, right-click menu with long press, larger menu fonts, adjustable-width scroll bars, etc.

RAM usage after login using default Tasks app: about 200 for both WMs after login, 350 after web browser (without additional extensions) has settled down
Tested compatible with Pi 3b (sluggish), 4 and 400
GPIO ports remain available to program through Scratch and Python
Camera port works

Revised localization mechanism

menu-mx.xml for openbox used for localization
localized menu based on existing menu.xml
located at /usr/share/mxfb-menu/openbox/menu-mx.xml
localized menus created on the fly during login

Username: pi
Pasword: pi



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