AntiX GNU/Linux

AntiX started out as an Ultra-Lite, community developed MEPIS Derivative. The antiX-12 release was based directly on Debian testing, compatible with Debian testing repositories. Older, less powerful hardware should be well supported. It includes support for multiple languages including Brazilian-Portuguese, Catalan, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Romanian, Spanish, Russian, and Turkish. AntiX 6.5 was released July 9, 2007. antiX-M11 'Jayaben Desai' was released May 3, 2011. antiX 15 was released June 30, 2015. antiX-16.1 (Berta Cáceres) (based on Debian 8.5 "jessie", but systemd-free) was released January 17, 2017. antiX 16.2 was released June 16, 2017. antiX 17.1 was released March 18, 2018.


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