Q & A

  • GNULinux
  • 2 years ago

PHP can install manually with the help of following steps.

With the help of following steps you can download the Complete Source Code of php and extract it. You can download required/latest Version of PHP here

#cd /usr/local/src
#wget http://in.php.net/get/php-5.2.13.tar.gz/from/this/mirror
#tar xzvf php-5.2.13.tar.gz
#cd php-5.2.13.tar.gz

Now, you can use following steps to configure the php modules and installation.

# ./configure –with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs –with-mysql=/usr/include/mysql –prefix=/usr/local/apache/php –with-config-file-path=/usr/local/apache/php –enable-force-cgi-redirect –disable-cgi –with-zlib –with-gettext –with-gdbm
# make
# make install

At the last, you need to copy the files and restart the apache service on the server.

# cp -p .libs/libphp5.so /usr/local/apache/modules
# cp -p php.ini-recommended /usr/local/apache/php/php.ini
# /etc/init.d/httpd restart