Data | 2018-08-15
Romana Multe motive pentru care desktopul Linux esueaza in a fi ceea ce ar trebui sa fie - GNU/Linux
Multe motive pentru care desktopul Linux esueaza in a fi ceea ce ar trebui sa fie

Sunt  un utilizator full time de desktop Linux (Solus OS) de cativa ani .... (10). Acesta (Linux) a fost si va fi întotdeauna platforma mea preferata pentru desktop.  Face exact ceea ce am nevoie si...

English Many reasons why the Linux desktop fails to be what it should be - GNU/Linux
Many reasons why the Linux desktop fails to be what it should be

I have been a full time Linux (Solus OS) desktop user for several years .... (10). This (Linux) has been and will always be my favorite desktop platform. I t does exactly what I need and I appreciate it. The " masses "...