Data | 2020-06-17
Tutorial Romana Gestionarea hardware-ului de tip hotplug si a mediilor amovibile - GNU/Linux
Gestionarea hardware-ului de tip hotplug si a mediilor amovibile

Începând cu Mandriva Linux 2005 LE, HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) este folosit extensiv pentru a gestiona hardware-ul de tip hotplug (dispozitive care sunt disponibile imediat dupa conectare, cum ar fi dispozitive de stocare pe USB, camere foto digitale, hard...

Tutorial English Management of hotplug hardware and removable media - GNU/Linux
Management of hotplug hardware and removable media

Starting with Mandriva Linux 2005 LE, HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) is used extensively to manage hotplug hardware (devices that are available immediately after connection, such as USB storage devices, digital cameras, hard disks). removable media) and removable media such as CDs or...

Distro Romana FreeBSD 11.4 - actualizari de pachete si corectii - GNU/Linux
FreeBSD 11.4 - actualizari de pachete si corectii

Echipa FreeBSD Release Engineering anunta disponibilitatea FreeBSD 11.4-RELEASE. Aceasta este a cincea si ultima versiune a filialei stabile 11. Câteva dintre cele mai importante: Utilitatile clang, llvm, lld, lldb si compilator-rt, precum si libc ++ au...

Distro English FreeBSD 11.4 - package updates and fixes - GNU/Linux
FreeBSD 11.4 - package updates and fixes

The FreeBSD Release Engineering team announces the availability of FreeBSD 11.4-RELEASE. This is the fifth and final version of Stable 11. Some of the most important: The clang, llvm, lld, lldb and rt compiler utilities, as well as libc ++ have been...