Data | 2020-06-28
Tutorial Romana Detectie componente hardware din consola in Linux, BSD si Solaris - GNU/Linux
Detectie componente hardware din consola in Linux, BSD si Solaris

Gânditi-va ca vreti, de exemplu, sa va luati un nou calculator/laptop si vreti sa-l testati putin pe Linux si/sau sa vedeti daca ce se afla in carcasa corespunde cu ce scrie pe factura. Evident pentru asta veti avea nevoie de o distributie care...

Tutorial English Detection of console hardware components in Linux, BSD and Solaris - GNU/Linux
Detection of console hardware components in Linux, BSD and Solaris

Think, for example, that you want to get a new computer / laptop and you want to test it a bit on Linux and / or see if what is in the case corresponds to what is written on the invoice. Obviously for this you will need a distribution that runs on a Live...