Data | 2020-07-20
Development English Integration of the media player and image viewer in the KDE Connect SMS application - GNU/Linux
Integration of the media player and image viewer in the KDE Connect SMS application

The project has reached the stage where the SMS application is able to receive and display thumbnails in chat, and the user can view any attached file just by clicking on that thumbnail or another multimedia application on the desktop. ...

Development Romana Integrarea player-ului media si a vizualizatorului de imagini in aplicatia SMS KDE Connect - GNU/Linux
Integrarea player-ului media si a vizualizatorului de imagini in aplicatia SMS KDE Connect

Proiectul a ajuns in stadiul in care aplicatia SMS este in masura sa primeasca si sa afiseze miniaturi in chat, precum si utilizatorul poate sa vizualizeze orice fisier atasat doar facând clic pe respectiva miniatura sau intr-o alta aplicatie...

Opinion English Credibility of web documents - GNU/Linux
Credibility of web documents

About 30 years ago, when the first web page of the Stanford Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory - SLAC - appeared on the Internet, in the virtual public space, in fact, a test page entitled "Slac Home Page for World",...

Opinion Romana Credibilitatea documentelor Web - GNU/Linux
Credibilitatea documentelor Web

Acum aproximativ 30 de ani, când a aparut in spatiul public, virtual, in Internet, prima pagina Web (a laboratorului de fizica particolelor elementare de la Stanford - SLAC - de fapt o pagina de test intitulata "Slac Home Page for World", incarcata la 6 Martie 1992 -...