Data | 2020-08-10
Tutorial English 16 commands that you should not violate on Facebook - GNU/Linux
16 commands that you should not violate on Facebook

Out of the desire to always stay in the center of attention, countless owners of Facebook accounts, jump the horse with certain posts. Later, regrets may be unnecessary, especially if the authorities, friends or thieves have gotten on the wire. I made a list of types...

Tutorial Romana 16 porunci pe care nu trebuie sa incalci pe Facebook - GNU/Linux
16 porunci pe care nu trebuie sa incalci pe Facebook

Din dorinta de a se mentine mereu in centrul atentiei, nenumarati detinatori de conturi pe Facebook, sar calul cu anumite postari. Ulterior, regretele pot fi inutile, mai ales daca autoritatile, prietenii ori hotii au intrat pe fir. Am intocmit o lista cu tipuri de...