Data | 2020-08-22
Aplication Romana Kaidan 0.6.0 - stabilitate si cateva functii noi - GNU/Linux
Kaidan 0.6.0 - stabilitate si cateva functii noi

Kaidan 0.6.0 ofera in mare parte corectii de stabilitate si câteva functii noi mai mici , cum ar fi mesaje offline (trei puncte apar in dreptul atunci când mesajul nu a fost inca trimis, o bifa aparand imediat ce mesajul a fost trimis serverului) si o corectie revizuita...

Aplication English Kaidan 0.6.0 - stability and some new functions - GNU/Linux
Kaidan 0.6.0 - stability and some new functions

Kaidan 0.6.0 mostly offers stability fixes and some new smaller features, such as offline messages (three dots appear right when the message has not yet been sent, a check mark appearing as soon as the message has been sent to the server) and a revised correction of messages. ...