Data | 2020-08-24
Aplication Romana Latte Dock v0.10 - Radius si umbre - GNU/Linux
Latte Dock v0.10 - Radius si umbre

Latte Dock v0.10 permite acum ajustarea rotunjimi fundalului. Aveti nevoie de cea mai recenta versiune Latte git, Kde Framework > = 5.69 si mai multe biblioteci kirigami2 instalate pentru ca acesta sa functioneze corect. Puteti ajusta dimensiunea umbrei de fundal de asemenea daca doriti. ...

Aplication English Latte Dock v0.10 - Radius and shadows - GNU/Linux
Latte Dock v0.10 - Radius and shadows

Latte Dock v0.10 now allows you to adjust the background roundness. You need the latest version of Latte git, Kde Framework> = 5.69 and several kirigami2 libraries installed for it to work properly. You can also adjust the background shadow size if you want.