Data | 2020-09-25
Romana Ai router? Verifica acum daca nu esti in pericol - GNU/Linux
Ai router? Verifica acum daca nu esti in pericol

În casele a sute de mii de români, conexiunea de internet este realizata prin intermediul unui router wirelles. Un astfel de echipament este binevenit, scutindu-ne de multe neajunsuri, iar preturile nu sunt deloc mari. Pe lânga aceste benefiicii, in anumite contexte ce tin...

English Do you have a router? Check now if you are not in danger - GNU/Linux
Do you have a router? Check now if you are not in danger

In the homes of hundreds of thousands of Romanians, the internet connection is made through a wireless router. Such equipment is welcome, saving us from many shortcomings, and the prices are not high at all. In addition to these benefits, in certain contexts related to the...