Data | 2020-10-04
Distro Romana Kubuntu Groovy Gorilla (20.10) Beta a fost lansat si include cateva actualizari de software - GNU/Linux
Kubuntu Groovy Gorilla (20.10) Beta a fost lansat si include cateva actualizari de software

Kubuntu Groovy Gorilla (20.10) Beta a fost lansat si este disponibil pentru descarcare. Pre-lansarile Groovy Gorilla nu sunt recomandate pentru cei ce au nevoie de un sistem stabil fara erori sau glich-uri. Beta include...

Distro English Kubuntu Groovy Gorilla (20.10) Beta has been released and includes some software updates - GNU/Linux
Kubuntu Groovy Gorilla (20.10) Beta has been released and includes some software updates

Kubuntu Groovy Gorilla (20.10) Beta has been released and is available for download. Groovy Gorilla pre-releases are not recommended for those who need a stable system without errors or glitches. Beta includes some software...