Data | 2020-10-05
Opinion Romana De ce GNU/Linux nu este adoptat masiv in lume? - GNU/Linux
De ce GNU/Linux nu este adoptat masiv in lume?

Comoditatea, lipsa informarii, spiritul de turma, aroganta, ignoranta si zecile de milioane de dolari investiti de Microsoft de-a lungul timpului in publicitate, acestea ar fi principalele motive identificate de noi care explica reticienta multor români fata de sistemele de operare...

Opinion English Why is GNU / Linux not massively adopted in the world? - GNU/Linux
Why is GNU / Linux not massively adopted in the world?

Convenience, lack of information, herd spirit, arrogance, ignorance and tens of millions of dollars invested by Microsoft over time in advertising, these would be the main reasons identified by us that explain the reluctance of many Romanians to GNU-based operating systems. / Linux....