Data | 2020-10-12
Opinion Romana Raspunsuri la intrebarile celor care vor sa treaca pe Linux - GNU/Linux
Raspunsuri la intrebarile celor care vor sa treaca pe Linux

Sunt nenumarate intrebarile pe care cineva le poate adresa despre sistemele de operare bazate pe GNU/Linux. Am realizat o scurta sinteza care cuprinde cel mai des auzite intrebari referitoare la acest tip de sisteme de operare precum si raspunsurile aferente. Puteti si...

Opinion English Answers to the questions of those who want to switch to Linux - GNU/Linux
Answers to the questions of those who want to switch to Linux

There are countless questions that anyone can ask about GNU / Linux based operating systems. We have made a brief summary that includes the most frequently heard questions regarding this type of operating systems as well as the related answers. You can also complete...