Data | 2020-10-18
Tutorial Romana Ghid iptables - firewall - GNU/Linux
Ghid iptables - firewall

Nu de putine ori auzim pe forumuri povestea unora ce au avut neplacerea sa fie victimele unui atac cu trojan sau exploit. Deja incepem sa ne obisnuim cu aceste probleme pe care probabil le-am avut si noi. Securitatea este un lucru luat in serios indiferent de sistemul de operare pe care il folosim si...

Tutorial English Iptables Guide - Firewall - GNU/Linux
Iptables Guide - Firewall

Not infrequently we hear on forums the story of some who had the displeasure of being the victims of a trojan or exploit attack. We are already beginning to get used to these problems that we probably had. Security is a matter of seriousness regardless of the operating system we use and is a priority in...