Data | 2020-12-06
Distro Romana Sparky 2020.12 semi-rolling se bazeaza pe Debian Bullseye testing - GNU/Linux
Sparky 2020.12 semi-rolling se bazeaza pe Debian Bullseye testing

Sparky 2020.12 semi-rolling se bazeaza pe testarea Debian „Bullseye” vine cu urmatoarele modificari: • pachete actualizate de la testele Debian repos din 3 decembrie 2020 • Linux kernel 5.9.11 (5.9.12 si 5.10-rc6 in repere instabile...

Distro English Sparky 2020.12 semi-rolling is based on Debian Bullseye testing - GNU/Linux
Sparky 2020.12 semi-rolling is based on Debian Bullseye testing

Sparky 2020.12 semi-rolling is based on Debian testing "Bullseye" comes with the following changes: • updated packages from the Debian repos tests from December 3, 2020 • Linux kernel 5.9.11 (5.9.12 and 5.10-rc6 in unstable Sparky landmarks) • Squid...

Tutorial English The Evolution of OS Design - GNU/Linux
The Evolution of OS Design

With each new generation of operating systems, we are introduced to new ways of thinking about how our computers work. To simplify things for the user, we must deploy a consistent interface in which they can do their work. It is equally important to extend this consistency to programmers, so they too can benefit. As an...