Data | 2020-12-25
Distro English The status of 4MLinux 35.0 has been changed to stable - GNU/Linux
The status of 4MLinux 35.0 has been changed to stable

4MLinux 35.0 updates LibreOffice to version and GNOME Office (AbiWord 3.0.4, GIMP 2.10.22, Gnumeric 1.12.48), DropBox 109.4.517, Firefox 84.0 and Chromium 83.0.4103.116, Thunderbird 78.6.0, Audacious 4.0. 5, VLC 3.0.11, mpv 0.32.0, Mesa 20.1.7 and Wine 5.21. ...

Distro Romana Starea 4MLinux 35.0 a fost schimbata in stabil - GNU/Linux
Starea 4MLinux 35.0 a fost schimbata in stabil

4MLinux 35.0 actualizeaza LibreOffice la versiunea si GNOME Office (AbiWord 3.0.4, GIMP 2.10.22, Gnumeric 1.12.48), DropBox 109.4.517, Firefox 84.0 si Chromium 83.0.4103.116, Thunderbird 78.6.0, Audacious 4.0.5, VLC 3.0.11, mpv 0.32.0, Mesa 20.1.7 si Wine 5.21. De...

Tutorial English The most secure and fastest compilation of the Linux kernel - GNU/Linux
The most secure and fastest compilation of the Linux kernel

What is the safest and fastest way to recompile the kernel? Here are the commands you need to give them: cp linux-x.y.z.tar.gz la /usr/src tar zxpvf linux-x.y.z.tar.gz cd linux-x.y.z make menuconfig make dep make clean...

Tutorial Romana Compilare cea mai sigura si mai rapida a kernel-lui Linux - GNU/Linux
Compilare cea mai sigura si mai rapida a kernel-lui Linux

Care este cea mai sigura si mai rapida metoda de a recompila kernel-ul? Iata comenzile care trebuie sa le dati: cp linux-x.y.z.tar.gz la /usr/src tar zxpvf linux-x.y.z.tar.gz cd linux-x.y.z make menuconfig make dep make...