Data | 2020-12-27
Review English Tools for securing the Linux system - GNU/Linux
Tools for securing the Linux system

Looking through some directories, I found a list of some programs and web page addresses that deal with network security. So I decided to write this article that aims to help network administrators and not only to have a server as secure as possible. I'll start with a list of...

Review Romana Instrumente pentru securizarea sistemului Linux - GNU/Linux
Instrumente pentru securizarea sistemului Linux

Uitandu-ma prin niste directoare , am gasit o lista cu niste programe si adrese de pagini de Web care se ocupa cu securitatea retelelor. Asa ca m-am hotarat sa scriu acest articol care isi propune ii ajute pe administratorii de retea si nu numai sa aiba un server cat mai sigur. ...