Data | 2021-01-14
Tutorial English Installing LAMP on Debian and apache mapping in / home / www / - GNU/Linux
Installing LAMP on Debian and apache mapping in / home / www /

Installing LAMP on Debian and apache mapping in / home / www /. First of all, you must be logged in as root in order to achieve the following. Login is as follows: su parola_root ->enter ...

Tutorial Romana Instalare LAMP pe Debian si mapare apache in /home/www/ - GNU/Linux
Instalare LAMP pe Debian si mapare apache in /home/www/

Instalare LAMP pe Debian si mapare apache in /home/www/. In primul rand rebuie sa fiti logati ca si root pentru a putea realiza cele de mai jos. Logarea se face astfel: su parola_root ->enter ...