Data | 2021-02-20
Distro Romana MX-Fluxbox Raspberry Pi - usor si elegant - GNU/Linux
MX-Fluxbox Raspberry Pi - usor si elegant

MX-Fluxbox Raspberry Pi Ragout imbina MX Linux cu sistemului de operare Raspberry Pi, implementând mediul de lucru usor si elegant al implementarii unice MX a Fluxbox si incluzând elemente de la GNOME, Xfce si LXDE. Aplicatii implicite Browser: Palemoon...

Distro English MX-Fluxbox Raspberry Pi - light and elegant - GNU/Linux
MX-Fluxbox Raspberry Pi - light and elegant

MX-Fluxbox Raspberry Pi Ragout combines MX Linux with the Raspberry Pi operating system, implementing the easy and elegant working environment of Fluxbox's unique MX implementation and including elements from GNOME, Xfce and LXDE. Default applications Browser:...

Web English Podcast - Open Minds from Creative Commons - GNU/Linux
Podcast - Open Minds from Creative Commons

On the 20th anniversary of the CC, it released a podcast - Open Minds with people from the worlds of open culture, open education, open science, open technology and more. Expect interesting people with interesting ideas to share about sharing. In the debut episode, she spoke with...

Web Romana Podcast - Open Minds de la Creative Commons - GNU/Linux
Podcast - Open Minds de la Creative Commons

La cea de-a 20-a aniversare a CC a lansat un podcast - Open Minds cu oameni din lumea culturii deschise, a educatiei deschise, a stiintei deschise, a tehnologiei deschise si multe altele. Asteptati-va la persoane interesante cu idei interesante de impartasit despre partajare. In...