Data | 2021-02-28
Distro Romana Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo (21.04) este acum in stadiul - Feature Freeze - GNU/Linux
Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo (21.04) este acum in stadiul - Feature Freeze

Hirsute Hippo - Ubuntu 21.04 este in dezvoltare de la sfârsitul lunii octombrie 2020, imediat dupa lansarea Ubuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla). Etapa de inghetare a caracteristicilor (Feature Freeze) va fi urmata de o perioada de testare optionala, undeva...

Distro English Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo (21.04) is now in the Feature Freeze stage - GNU/Linux
Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo (21.04) is now in the Feature Freeze stage

Hirsute Hippo - Ubuntu 21.04 has been in development since the end of October 2020, immediately after the release of Ubuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla). The feature freeze will be followed by an optional test period, somewhere between March 4-11 and is intended...