Data | 2021-03-20
Aplication Romana Godot Engine Web Editor PWA - timpi de incarcare mai mici - GNU/Linux
Godot Engine Web Editor PWA - timpi de incarcare mai mici

Pentru cei ce nu stiu ce este o aplicatie PWA (Progressive Web App) , gânditi-va la aceasta ca la o modalitate de a „instala” o pagina web pe dispozitivul dvs. De la ultima actualizare sau imbunatatit shell-urile HTML , remedieri la HiDPI / fullscreen, si un...

Aplication English Godot Engine Web Editor PWA - shorter load times - GNU/Linux
Godot Engine Web Editor PWA - shorter load times

For those who don't know what a Progressive Web App (PWA) is, think of it as a way to "install" a webpage on your device. Since the last update or improved HTML shells, fixes to HiDPI / fullscreen, and a faster editor loading process. ...

Aplication Romana Calamares 3.2.39 aduce suportul btrfs - GNU/Linux
Calamares 3.2.39 aduce suportul btrfs

Calamares 3.2.39 aduce suportul btrfs in noua versiune. Retineti ca optiunea este adaugata recent si poate avea o serie de probleme. - Printre alte noutati a fost adaugat si un serviciu de configurare pachete, pentru a fi utilizat de modulul netinstall si nu numai. -...

Aplication English Calamares 3.2.39 supports btrfs - GNU/Linux
Calamares 3.2.39 supports btrfs

Calamares 3.2.39 brings btrfs support in the new version. Note that the option is recently added and may have a number of issues. - Among other novelties, a package configuration service was added, to be used by the netinstall module and not only. - The mounting module can...