Data | 2021-04-28
Distro Romana Testati Tails 4.19 ~ beta1 - GNU/Linux
Testati Tails 4.19 ~ beta1

Tails 4.19, programat pentru lansare pentru 1 iunie, si va schimba complet modul de conectare la reteaua Tor din Tails. De-a lungul anilor, au fost identificate multe probleme legate de modul de conectare la reteaua Tor de la Tails, datorita feedback-ului utilizatorilor. ...

Distro English Test Tails 4.19 ~ beta1 - GNU/Linux
Test Tails 4.19 ~ beta1

Tails 4.19, scheduled for release on June 1, will completely change the way you connect to the Tor network in Tails. Over the years, many problems have been identified with how to connect to the Tails Tor network, thanks to user feedback. In this version we want...