Data | 2021-05-02
Opinion Romana Atacurile la adresa Linux - Windows si Linux in competitie...oare? - GNU/Linux
Atacurile la adresa Linux - Windows si Linux in competitie...oare?

Pentru imensa majoritate a celor care stau in fata calculatoarelor, acestea sunt aparate de care se folosesc pentru scopuri ca: scrisori, texte, referate, tabele, cautari in bazele de date (create de altii). Fiind intrebati de Windows; Windows? Da lucreaza cu asa...

Opinion English Attacks on Linux - Windows and Linux in competition ... right? - GNU/Linux
Attacks on Linux - Windows and Linux in competition ... right?

For the vast majority of those who sit in front of computers, these are devices that are used for purposes such as: letters, texts, papers, tables, searches in databases (created by others). Being asked by Windows; Windows? Yes, he works with something like that. What...