Data | 2021-05-20
Hardware Romana VIA VAB-950 certificata Microsoft Azure pentru IoT - GNU/Linux
VIA VAB-950 certificata Microsoft Azure pentru IoT

VIA ofera o colectie de placi si sisteme care fac parte din catalogul de dispozitive certificate Microsoft Azure, inclusiv VIA VAB-820 , VIA ARTiGO A630 , VIA ARTiGO A820 , VIA ARTiGO A1250 , VIA AMOS-820 , VIA AMOS-825 , VIA AMOS-3005 , VIA Alegro 100 , VIA SOM-6X50 si acum VIA VAB-950...

Hardware English VIA VAB-950 Microsoft Azure certified for IoT - GNU/Linux
VIA VAB-950 Microsoft Azure certified for IoT

VIA offers a collection of boards and systems that are part of the catalog of Microsoft Azure certified devices, including VIA VAB-820, VIA ARTiGO A630, VIA ARTiGO A820, VIA ARTiGO A1250, VIA AMOS-820, VIA AMOS-825, VIA AMOS- 3005, VIA Alegro 100, VIA SOM-6X50 and now VIA VAB-950. ...