Data | 2021-06-19
Distro Romana Lakka 3.2 - Mesa 21.1.2, RetroArch 1.9.5 - GNU/Linux
Lakka 3.2 - Mesa 21.1.2, RetroArch 1.9.5

Lakka 3.2 vine cu urmatoarele modificari de la versiunea 3.1: RetroArch actualizat la 1.9.5 Cores actualizat la cele mai recente versiuni bsnes_hd a fost adaugat flycast: OIT activat pentru platformele OpenGL Raspberry Pi 3 - acum cu suport pe 64...

Distro English Lakka 3.2 - Table 21.1.2, RetroArch 1.9.5 - GNU/Linux
Lakka 3.2 - Table 21.1.2, RetroArch 1.9.5

Lakka 3.2 comes with the following changes from version 3.1: RetroArch updated to 1.9.5 Cores updated to the latest versions bsnes_hd has been added flycast: ILO enabled for OpenGL platforms Raspberry Pi 3 - now with 64-bit support (aarch64)