Data | 2021-08-10
Distro Romana elementary OS 6 - un nou stil vizual - Dark Style - GNU/Linux
elementary OS 6 - un nou stil vizual - Dark Style

Noul stil vizual - Dark Style, este disponibil chiar din ecranul de intâmpinare sau in orice moment din Setari sistem → Desktop → Aspect . Alegeti stilul implicit clasic sau un nou stil intunecat, iar sistemul si aplicatiile implicite vor urma exemplul. Stilul...

Distro English elementary OS 6 - a new visual style - Dark Style - GNU/Linux
elementary OS 6 - a new visual style - Dark Style

The new visual style - Dark Style, is available right from the Home screen or at any time from System Settings → Desktop → Appearance. Choose the classic default style or a new dark style, and the default system and applications will follow suit. The dark style can also...

Aplication Romana Signal - mesaje care dispar - GNU/Linux
Signal - mesaje care dispar

Mesajele care dispar in Signal. Când este activata o conversatie, mesajele vor fi sterse pentru expeditor si destinatari dupa ora specificata. Daca cineva care primeste un mesaj care dispare doreste cu adevarat o inregistrare a acestuia, poate folosi oricând o alta camera sau print screen...

Aplication English Signal - messages that disappear - GNU/Linux
Signal - messages that disappear

Messages that disappear in Signal. When a conversation is activated, messages will be deleted for the sender and recipients after the specified time. If someone who receives a disappearing message really wants a recording of it, they can always use another camera or print screen before the message...

Tutorial English 9 Server Configuration checking useful commands - GNU/Linux
9 Server Configuration checking useful commands

Server Configuration checking commands: 1.HTTP Webserver: httpd -t Run syntax tests for configuration files only. The program immediately exits after these syntax parsing tests with either a return...