Data | 2021-09-21
Featured Romana Mycroft a selectat Aztech pentru a fi partener de design si producator - GNU/Linux
Mycroft a selectat Aztech pentru a fi partener de design si producator

Mycroft a selectat Aztech pentru a fi partener de design si producator pentru productia Mark II. Aztech, cu sediul in Singapore, este lider mondial in productia de electronice de larg consum. Aztech a fost selectat intr-un...

Featured English The life cycle of Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 has been extended to ten years - GNU/Linux
The life cycle of Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 has been extended to ten years

Canonical announces the extension of the life cycle of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS "Trusty Tahr" and 16.04 LTS "Xenial Xerus" to ten years. This security maintenance extension (ESM) of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and 16.04 LTS allows you to provide security...

Featured Romana Ciclul de viata al Ubuntu 14.04 si 16.04 s-a extins la zece ani - GNU/Linux
Ciclul de viata al Ubuntu 14.04 si 16.04 s-a extins la zece ani

Canonical anunta extinderea ciclului de viata al Ubuntu 14.04 LTS „Trusty Tahr” si al 16.04 LTS „Xenial Xerus” la zece ani. Aceasta extindere de intretinere a securitatii (ESM) a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS si 16.04 LTS permite oferirea de actualizari de...

Distro English Windowsfx 11 - Ubuntu + Microsoft Windows 11 interface + Linuxfx speed and security - GNU/Linux
Windowsfx 11 - Ubuntu + Microsoft Windows 11 interface + Linuxfx speed and security

The Windowsfx architecture is based on Ubuntu LTS and tries to take advantage of the whole old experience of the Microsoft Windows user, so that the learning curve on Linux is minimal. Windowsfx users have a desktop suite, internet browsers,...

Distro Romana Windowsfx 11 - Ubuntu + Interfata Microsoft Windows 11 + viteza si securitatea Linuxfx - GNU/Linux
Windowsfx 11 - Ubuntu + Interfata Microsoft Windows 11 + viteza si securitatea Linuxfx

Arhitectura Windowsfx se bazeaza pe Ubuntu LTS si incearca sa profite de toata vechea experienta a utilizatorului Microsoft Windows, astfel incât curba de invatare pe Linux sa fie minima. Utilizatorii Windowsfx au parte de o suita de...

Distro Romana EmmaDE4 sub Debian 11 Bullseye - GNU/Linux
EmmaDE4 sub Debian 11 Bullseye

Emmabuntus Debian Edition 4 (32 si 64 de biti), bazata pe distributia Debian 11.0 Bullseye si care sustine atât mediile desktop XFCE, cât si LXQt. Aceasta distributie a fost conceputa initial pentru a facilita reconditionarea computerelor donate organizatiilor umanitare, incepând...

Distro English EmmaDE4 under Debian 11 Bullseye - GNU/Linux
EmmaDE4 under Debian 11 Bullseye

Emmabuntus Debian Edition 4 (32 and 64 bits), based on the Debian 11.0 Bullseye distribution and which supports both XFCE and LXQt desktop environments. This distribution was originally designed to facilitate the reconditioning of computers donated to humanitarian organizations, starting with the...

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