Data | 2021-09-29
Opinion Romana Totul despre Linux. Ce pot sa fac in Linux? Ce este o distributie Linux? Linux-ul e chiar atat de sigur? Chiar nu exista virusi pe Linux? - GNU/Linux
Totul despre Linux. Ce pot sa fac in Linux? Ce este o distributie Linux? Linux-ul e chiar atat de si...

Ce este Linux? Intrebarea asta e grea si are cam 3 raspunsuri, cam toate aproximativ corecte. 1. Linux este un sistem de operare.GNU/Linux este un sistem de operare. Sistemul...

Opinion English All about Linux. What can I do in Linux? What is a Linux distribution? Are there really no viruses on Linux? Linux really that secure? - GNU/Linux
All about Linux. What can I do in Linux? What is a Linux distribution? Are there really no viruses o...

What is Linux? This question is difficult and has about 3 answers, almost all correct. 1. Linux is an operating system. GNU / Linux is an operating system. The GNU / Linux...