Data | 2021-12-07
Aplication English Firefox 96.0beta - Significant improvements in noise-suppression and auto-gain-control, slight improvements in echo-cancellation - GNU/Linux
Firefox 96.0beta - Significant improvements in noise-suppression and auto-gain-control, slight impro...

Firefox 96.0beta new features and improvements: Significant improvements in noise-suppression and auto-gain-control, slight improvements in echo-cancellation Significantly reduced...

Distro English Tails 4.25 is out with utility to make a backup of the Persistent Storage to usb stick - GNU/Linux
Tails 4.25 is out with utility to make a backup of the Persistent Storage to usb stick

New on Tails 4.25: Added a utility to make a backup of the Persistent Storage to another Tails USB stick. Added a new entry called Tails (External Hard Disk) to the GRUB boot loader. Changes and...

Tutorial Romana Cum se controleaza viteza ventilatoarelor (lm-sensors) in Ubuntu - GNU/Linux
Cum se controleaza viteza ventilatoarelor (lm-sensors) in Ubuntu

Mai intai instalati si configurati lm-sensors , asa cum este descris in sectiunea de mai sus. Apoi rulati pwmconfig pentru a testa ventilatoarele : pwmconfig Daca controlul vitezei ventilatoarelor este posibil puteti continua. Creeati...