
Google inca nu are incredere in driverele Linux GPU suficient pentru a permite accelerarea video pe Chrome

In 2018 driverele Linux GPU s-au îmbunatatit foarte mult. Inginerii Google înca nu au suficienta încredere pentru a activa pe web-browser - ul Chrome decodare video GPU. 
Dezvoltatorii Chrome spun ca problemele cu întretinerea driverelor Linux GPU sunt mai mari decât beneficiile unei mai bune experiente Linux de redare video. Our goal is to have a Stable and secure browser first, and a GPU-accelerated one second, when possible. As we found out time and again, any sort of GPU acceleration has a lot of maintenance associated with it, between the multitude of configurations our users run, the general lack of quality of drivers (in particular on Linux), and the constant stream of incoming issue due to new hardware, driver, or distribution release. Many of these issues are not even directly attributable to this or that acceleration feature (e.g. causing random memory corruption or GPU hangs), so even investigating to narrow down a blacklist entry is significant non-trivial work. As we do not have the resources to commit to dealing with this continued incoming stream of issues, and we don't want to compromise the first goal (stable and secure browser), our choice is not to enable these acceleration features on Linux.



Utilizator Linux - Solus OS, pasionat de calatorii.
  • | 2708 articole | 5 years, 11 months
De aceea folosesc un bild special de chromium pentru ubuntu care iti permite sa activezi un flag pt hw video decoding. Si culmea e ca functioneaza f bine. Folosesc pentru propiul sistem de digital media signage.

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