Parrot 4.8, distributie orientata spre securitate si protectie a vietii private, se bazeaza pe Debian „Testing“, si include toate actualizarile din depozitul „Testing“ Debian in perioada septembrie 2019 - martie 2020.
linux 5.4
mate 1.24
revision of the sandbox
updated anonsurf
aircrack 1.6
airgeddon 10.01
beef 0.5.0
burpsuote 2020.1
vscodium 1.43
libreoffice 6.4 (base was removed)
metasploit 5.0.74 (updates will be released soon)
nodejs 10.17
postgresql 11
radare2 4.2
radare-cutter 1.10 (ghidra support coming soon)
weevely 4.0
wine 5.0 container Docker (Parrot as a service), care poate fi rulat pe orice sistem de operare ce accepta docker.