The version comes with Plasma 5 as the default desktop, includes non-free Nvidia drivers, KDE 20.12.3 applications, Linux kernel 5.11.8 (Linux-next is in repo, after 5.11 series), GCC 10.2.0, Glibc 2.32, Systemd 247.5, Kmod 28, Xorg-server 1.21.10, Qt 5.15.2, Mesa 20.3.4, LibreOffice 7.1.1, Elisa and the latest versions of Falkon, Octopi, Kde-Telepathy, Firefox 87.0, Chrome 91, Thunderbird 78.8 .1, GIMP 2.10.22, Ardor 6.6.0.
60% percent of packages are updated from the latest ISO version. Among the novelties brought by the new version are: Plasma 5.21 with a new application launcher, Plasma System Monitor and a new sound applet that now displays the volume of the live microphone.
- Now, you can adapt kcp / pckcp to your needs in editing configuration files (located in $ HOME / .config / kcp / directory).
- You can use a temporary directory (for kcp installations) than / tmp
- kcp can use a third package management organization. The only constraint is that the organization should be on Github
- For installation or download operations, the cloning method can use ssh or https
- You can define a different system location
- You can use a custom PKGBUILD prototype to be used to generate PKGBUILD by pcpkcp
- You can add packages that you ignore depends on when checking a PKGBUILD with pckcp
- Kcp rescris
- Improved performance when updating the database (which required complete refactoring of the database). The operation should be significantly faster.
- Improved performance for the PKGBUILD analyzer. The scanner is more accurate and faster. In addition, it is designed as an API to be used for a third application.
- Some PKGBUILDs have been added / modified / merged.
- The Calamares installer makes the switch to QML. All navigation is now done in QML for KaOS.
- The default mirror used for all KaOS installations is provided by Fosshost. No need to change the list of mirrors, you will always be connected to the fastest mirror in your area.
- Latest Plasma desktop packages: Frameworks 5.80.0, Plasma 5.21.3 and KDE 20.12.3 applications. All built on Qt 5.15.2.
- This ISO means the end of Nvidia 340xx support not released in KaOS. Users with Nvidia cards before 2014 will need to switch to the kernel mode setting driver or install nouveau.
- New applications added include VSCodium.
- Updates based on this distribution have been numerous and include Python3 3.8.8, Systemd 247.5, Proj 8.0.0, Git 2.31.0, LLVM / Clang 11.1.0, Protobuf 3.15, Hdf5 1.12.0, Poppler 21.03.0, Mesa 20.3.4, NetworkManager 1.30.2, ZSTD 1.4.9, Krb5 1.19.1.
- The Linux kernel has all the ucode components needed for a fully automatic Early Microcode update.
- KaOS uses the Systemd boot from Systemd provided for UEFI installations.
- A specific KaOS tool is included to write ISO files to USB.
- LibreOffice has thus replaced Calligra as the default Office application for KaOS.
- This ISO uses CRC and finobt enabled XFS file system by default.